21 February 2014

10 Things I Leaned from Movies

1. If you sleep with makeup on, the makeup will look just as fresh tomorrow morning. 

1.5. You'll always wake up looking fabulous.
#nofilter #hollaatyourgirl #heyboo

2. There will always be someone behind you when you say, "He's right behind me, isn't he?!" 
You better believe it, that fucker has been waiting his whole life for this moment. 

3. Whenever you go shopping, you go into an 80's music montage mode. Every. Time. 
Now would be the time to try on all those wacky outfits.

4. When you bump into a guy or when he accidentally spills a drink on you, you're probably going to marry him. 
Its all about being in the right place at the right time. Trust me.

5. It's totally okay to spy on someone through those ventilation systems.
And don't worry, its totally clean in there. They febrezed it just before you went in.

6. If you ever find your self surrounded by 10 guys who are trying to beat you up - do not despair. They will each attack you individually. 
lol They're so thoughtful.

7. If you are ever home alone and you hear a strange noise, you should always go investigate. The less amount of clothes you wear, the better. 

8. The weird quirky girl will always get the hot guy. 
(so i have a chance)

9. If your child and or young sibling start talking to "imaginary friends" leave that mofo behind and run like hell. 

10. In life you'll always come across an asshole with a sweater tied around their shoulders.

Let us know what you think about what movies taught us. Let us know if we missed any lessons. 

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