10 August 2014

10 Things I Learned from Movies Part II

So after writing 10 Things I learned from Movies Part 1, I thought of a few other things I've learned from watching movies; And so I have decided to share my "wealth of knowledge" with you.

1. Everyone ages so gracefully. 

Majestically even... 

2. Waking up bright and Early feels so damn good.

3. Don't bother trying to call the cops. According to extensive Movie research, its been proven that they'll only show up at the very end.

4. Regardless of how many times you've shot that demon/murderer, he still ain't dead. He's coming back for your ass.

5. If you're a hero or someone with super powers, it's totally okay to destroy the entire town.
Do they pay fines? Are they charged? Do they even apologize?!

6. If ever you come back to visit your old home town, be prepared to fall in love with that boy from long ago. 

7. The following situation never works out the way we want it to.

8. The villain will almost always have several opportunities to kill you. But he won't -- he'll take his time recounting his perfect vendetta. 

9. Everyone has that one friend. 

10. If you're looking for a disguise, knock out that guard and it is guaranteed that his uniform will fit you.
Go ahead... try.

What have movies taught you?? 

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